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Online booking for equipment is open 24 hours. Users must make reservations prior to use and make sure the equipment is functioning properly.
For certain equipment, users should be certified to have permission to reserve on the online scheduler prior to use.
The Center has priority in the event of equipment failure, maintenance, or unpreventable factors during the reserved session. No objection shall be raised by the users.
Regulations: Users would be prohibited to make reservations for having three violations.
(1) If you have to cancel a reservation, you MUST cancel it no less than 24 hours before the start of the scheduled session.
(2) If you are late for more than 30 minutes, your scheduled session may be assigned to another user. Others could use that session.
(3) Users are prohibited to use without booking, to occupy other’s sessions and to book with other’s account. The center could delete those unscheduled reservations.
** If this general regulation contradicts to the regulation of certain equipment, follow that of certain equipment.
If you require technical support or training for core facilities, 2-week advanced requests are recommended.
All files could be deleted without warning by the staff, so please backup your files after every experiment.