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Announcement Contents
  • Announcement date: 2024/07/29 16:25
  • Bulletin title: The Seahorse XFe24 Extracellular Flux Analyzer has been repaired.
  • Announcement Contents:

    The Seahorse XFe24 Extracellular Flux Analyzer has been repaired and you are welcome to make an appointment.

Common Facility Room:1. 3F&4F Biomedical Engineering Building 2. 7F Biomedical Building
3. 2F Nursing Building 4. 6F Library,information and Research Building 5. B1 Shou-Ren Building 地圖標籤﹝點選此處,可開啟地圖指引﹞
Contact address:National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Instrumentation Resource Center. No. 155,
Li Nung St., Sec. 2, Beitou District, Taipei City  地圖標籤﹝點選此處,可開啟地圖指引﹞
Telephone:(02) 2826-7000 ext. 62382  E-mail:ycirc@nycu.edu.tw